ELESOL plates now in Europe

Reduce noise in your electrical installation while increasing time btw. serviceintervals for your machines, and make potential savings on your electricity consumption with the ELESOL plates installed.

This is how it works:

  • Install the ELESOL plate(s) and it/they will

  • Remove noise

  • Reduce emission of electromagnetic waves

  • Increase time btw. service-intervals

  • Reduce your electricity consumption

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers.

How much can I reduce?
How long can I use the ELESOL plate?
The ELESOL plate can be used indefinitely. This is because it does not use electrical equipment or machines.
Can I confirm if there has been a decrease in electricity consumption?
Are there any energy-saving products like elesol on the market?
Will the ELESOL plate affect my electrical equipment?
Does the ELESOL plate affect the voltage?
How do I set up the ELESOL plate?
What is the price?

More information about the ELESOL plate?

Feel free to address any questions related to the ELESOL plate by contacting our ELESOL Product manager Jens Erik Ebbesen. Pls use the form below.

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Pls specify your question here.